Highly talented and effective Catholic educators like you are special people. With a master's degree and five + years of teaching experience, you have the training and expertise to bring a broad range of stakeholders together around a compelling plan that builds on the history and current assets of the school.
While schools are complex organizations, you have the gift of administration and leadership to create the team and the culture to achieve remarkable success.
We believe Catholic education provides critical value for families today. Timeless truths of Scripture and the wisdom of the ages can be combined with modern school design and instructional strategies to provide the optimal experience for students and their families. Families across Lafayette should have access to a high-quality Catholic school that enables each person to discover and achieve their God-given purpose.
We believe Catholic educators deserve to work in a school environment that enables the fulfillment of their calling and the complete development of their talents. This requires an organizationally healthy school that consistently listens, learns, and improves.
Catholic schools face enormous internal and external barriers to growth, and we understand how challenging that can be for you. We’ve been down that road. But we also know that there is a better way forward--one that leverages collective strengths and experience within an organization that is committed to the path of becoming a great school.
That's the path we've chosen.
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We look forward to learning more about you