Thank You For Joining Us at the 2019 MISBO Fall Conference in Asheville, NC

We're here to help you find your path forward, by expanding your Leadership Capacity, Organizational Health, and Continuous Improvement.  

Are You Ready to Start Growing? 

School Growth will be leading this year's Pre-Conference Workshop where we will be presenting, "Relationships: Your School's Most Valuable Asset" 

Download the presentation by completing the form below.

The core value proposition for every school is developing and maintaining strong relationships–-but how does the management team measure, support, and grow these vital connections?

In this one-day workshop, we will guide business officers, HR directors, heads of school, and other school leaders through a deeper understanding of strategies for building trust and engagement, including how they can progressively strengthen relationships internally and externally.

Relationships truly are the most valuable asset of the school, which requires collective focus on the personal and organizational habits that build trust and engagement. This training is vital to achieve your school growth goals.


  • Sequence, Frequency, & Flow: Communication habits that support an engaged culture
  • KPI’s for measuring relational assets
  • Leadership habits that support greater trust
  • Data strategies for accurately assessing and improving relationships


  • Business and Operations Officers
  • Business and Operations Staff
  • HR Directors
  • Heads of School
  • Other Administration