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Are You Planning for Success or Just Hoping for it?

challenge-champion-checkerboard-33135Today we're hosting a Leadership Retreat at Spartanburg Day School (SC). They have a very talented team of administrators that is determined to achieve at an even higher level. That starts, of course, with an accurate planning process that has one important practice that increases the probability of success.

Rachel Deems, the Head of School at SDS, has assembled a dynamic leadership team that is well-prepared to make 2018-19 a remarkably successful year. With a long history of delivering an outstanding educational experience, this school is launching into a new season of growth using a growth plan that is tailored to their unique strengths and assets. 

Our leadership retreat is designed to fine tune the three core components of a school's growth engine:

  1. Leadership Capacity

    The talent, energy, and engagement that increases the ability to listen and learn, act courageously, make difficult decisions, overcome the barriers, and humbly grow.
  2. Organizational Health

    Without a unified, healthy leadership team (across the board, administration, teachers and staff) there's no way your school will become sustainably successful.
  3. Continuous Improvement

    Creating a culture of disciplined curiosity and organizational learning that enables the school to adapt faster and more effectively to market data and opportunities.

Yesterday we identified tactical goals to be achieved in the first quarter of this school year. This will enable them to test a few hypotheses regarding their growth plan before starting a long-term strategic plan to refine their vision and marketing positioning.  

Today we will take an important step to exponentially increase the completion of these goals--so that we're planning for success not just hoping for it.

The secret to achieving your growth goals? Write down a plan that says EXACTLY who, when, and where the necessary steps will occur. That simple step creates concrete actions that are more likely to happen because your team can visually see themselves moving from thinking about it to doing it.

We love growing schools and the people who have the courage to lead them, and we look forward to continuing this journey with the SDS team.


Listen to the School Growth podcast

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