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Learning to Love Educators

SG Learning to Love EducatorsTammy and I enjoyed a lovely Valentine's Day touring the vineyards of North Georgia. Not the same as Tuscany or Napa Valley, but the mountain terrain was beautiful and the food was delicious. 

Learning to love educators is a crucial part of growing as a school leader--and it's crucial in your quest to achieve sustainable excellence

Introducing The School Growth Network

We launched the School Growth Network (SGN) to provide exclusive access to the training, planning, and support you need to advance in your commitment to Sustainable Excellence.

Education leadership is a human endeavor that changes the trajectory of people’s lives--and it requires extraordinary courage and commitment to truly become great. We've combined decades of research and experience in successfully growing schools to simplify the journey for you, with membership options that align with your budget and goals. 

We're finding even better ways to love and support education leaders. A BIG benefit of SGN membership is exclusive access to our new monthly faculty training videos. 

Faculty Training: The Key Intelligences of Highly Effective Educators

Did you know that the best educators all have something in common? Not only are they smart, but they have specific key intelligences that distinguish them from the rest. 

Through our research with hundreds of schools across North America we've collected incredible intel on why certain teachers, coaches, staff, and administrators are more effective than others. These are the people who make the greatest contribution to the mission, culture, and goals of the organization--they bring the joy every day and make school leadership so much better! 

Using this information, we've created a new monthly video series on, The Key Intelligences of Highly Effective Educators. If you're a member of the School Growth Network, you have exclusive access to each episode and can use it for individual training or as part of a faculty gathering. 


Reenrollment deadline was today--We hit 94.4%!!!!
--A text received yesterday from a very excited School Head who is a School Growth Network Member and has been implementing our Year-round Enrollment Management strategies with dramatic improvements. Leadership Matters!


Culture Building through Core Values 

This month we facilitated the introduction of newly established Core Values at some growing schools. After completing their Talent Audit and designing a customized Performance Rubric over the last few months, the Leadership Team was ready to welcome the whole faculty into the conversation to establish behavioral norms that accurately reflect the culture they deeply desire. 

School culture is the result of the values and habits of the faculty.

These members of the School Growth Network are committed to creating an intentional and consistent culture that enables their faculty to thrive and to build incredible connections with students.

A vibrant school culture is a sustainable competitive advantage and is a powerful way to love your people and grow your school. 

The reception by each faculty group was quite enthusiastic--they asked great questions and are excited to see the leadership providing specific expectations along with effective accountability to the new Core Values. They are already seeing exciting changes happening and are prepared to implement the next Strategic HR steps.

Listen to the School Growth podcast

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