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SG School Challenges

Overcoming the Challenges to Grow in 2019-20

SG School Challenges2019-20 will have its challenges--every school year does. What specifically could limit your growth? What is your biggest challenge?

That's the question we posed to administrators and board leaders across the country, and we compiled the responses into a series of reports that we're going to share on our upcoming School Growth webinar and podcast programs.

Some consistent themes have emerged from the data when it comes to school leadership challenges that were specifically identified for this year:

  • Improve faculty morale, especially dealing with some negative attitudes
  • Faculty Reorganization
  • Lack of Leadership Cohesiveness
  • Complete the merger of two schools
  • Need to write up our strategic plan that is "80% complete"
  • Must increase staff commitment to the mission
  • Faculty understanding and respecting the chain of command
  • Find ways to use time for efficiently and effectively
  • Leverage Title II funding and other ways to grow PD
  • Reduce the high rate of faculty turnover
  • Create a student-centered collaborative culture
  • Integrate technology program into the school culture
  • Curriculum alignment: now operate like we're different schools across each division 
  • Create a culture of mutual respect among parents and teachers
  • Find balance between work and personal life
  • Improve student retention and grow enrollment 
  • Attract qualified, motivated faculty
  • Remove people who are poisoning the school culture
  • Recover from an administrator who was arrested
  • Create a sense of urgency for needed change among faculty and families

These topics are multifaceted and require crucial conversations to find the best path forward. To foster healthy dialogue among your leadership, we're recording a series of webinars and podcasts over the next few months that will provide useful insights and guidance from our experience. 

If you want to make 2019-20 a new season of growth on your campus through practical professional development, then check out the details to access these resources.

To learn more, visit or CLICK HERE.

Listen to the School Growth podcast

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