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New Look and Services for School Growth

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We're starting 2023 with some Exciting News: Marketing and Communication services have been added to the School Growth portfolio, and we've enhanced our logo and narrative.
We love educators and enabling the path to their dreams. Sustaining their commitment and faith is core to our mission and keeps us motivated each and every day. This has been a fascinating journey of innovation and entrepreneurship that I think you will find interesting.

Over the past decade, we've had the honor of working with tens of thousands of school leaders across the globe to inspire them to love and lead educators more effectively. Specifically we focus on cultivating leadership capacity and a healthy school ecosystem that supports the journey to authentic, sustainable excellence.
Our training, planning, and support is tailored to the specific context of each school enabling them to become the very best version of themselves. This year we added marketing and communication services to advance the brand narrative, achieve the enrollment goals, recruit faculty more effectively, and increase engagement among faculty, families, donors, and key partners.
We also expanded the School Growth team to include Rachel Mozingo as VP of Marketing. She brings a wealth of experience and expertise that has enabled us to deliver these new services with greater precision and results. Over the next few months, we will be adding a few more talented marcomm experts to meet the needs of our clients.
The School Growth refreshed brand and new logo represent our renewed commitment to you—the courageous educators we serve―and symbolizes the innovation and growth we help you achieve.
When we think of growth, we think of plant life. The dark green "S" in the form of a leaf represents established schools, the history, and core traditions. The light green "G" leaf symbolizes growth and health in a school once School Growth provides the right "nutrients" in order for schools to thrive. As you know some through your experience with us, those nutrients include trust, authentic leadership, disciplined communication, and devotion to core values.
This new symbol has an organic energy about it―a sense of moving in the right direction, Lastly, a loosely based checkmark shape of the leaves alludes to the trust we build with schools to allow us to move them in the desire direction, walking by their side as a partner and best friend.
Our growth means more schools will be able to establish authentic cultures, more educators will become energized and engaged, and ultimately, greater change and transformation in the lives of students and communities.
Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey as a leader of educators. We love you and are honored to serve you.

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