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We're Off to a FAST START in 2024

Schools throughout North America and across the globe are discovering that the journey to authentic, sustainable excellence is simply greater.
Greater Joy.
Greater Unity.
Greater Learning.
Greater Success.

Who doesn't want that?!? Check out our many opportunities to encourage educators in their calling to this noble vocation.

SG 1Q 2024 Collage Small

In the first quarter of 2024, our School Growth team:
  • Delivered the keynote address for the Schools United Leadership Day hosted by Calvary Christian School in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
  • Provided head coaching for the Herzog Foundation Strategic Planning Workshops in Phoenix and Kansas City
  • Facilitated Board and Leadership Retreats in Dallas, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Savannah, DeLand (FL), Nashville, Pittsburgh, Spearfish (SD), Greenville (SC), Burleson (TX), and Cleveland
  • Conducted focus groups and strategic planning data analysis for multiple members of our School Growth Network
  • Delivered the keynote address at Arrowhead Stadium for the Midwest Regional School Leadership Summit
  • Delivered the keynote address for the Archdiocese of Hartford Catholic School Educators Celebration at the beautiful Cathedral of St. Joseph
  • Shared The Laws of the Grapevine Workshop at the NBOA Annual Conference
  • Provided head coaching for Herzog Foundation Finance Master Class, Oklahoma City
  • Led the Knoxville Diocese Pastor's Retreat in Gatlinburg
  • Spoke at the Herzog Foundation Graduate Retreat in Marco Island
  • Served as guest lecturers for the Gordon College, Education Masters Program
The privilege of our work is to encourage and elevate those who educate!

50 & 5,000 on the Educators Among Us Podcast

We reached 50+ episodes on our
Educators Among Us Podcast
with over 5,000 downloads.

"I listen to your podcast on my commute.
It gives me energy and perspective to face the day."
— Theresa J., Educator in OK


We're Scheduling 2024-2025 Retreats & Workshops 

Our team delivers uniquely inspiring learning experiences for boards, administrators, teachers, and other educators at all levels. Let's create a motivating program just for you.



Listen to the School Growth podcast

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by: Scott Barron
Teacher Quality, Podcast
As some have discovered through ancestral research, our family tree unknowingly exerts a significant influence on our most important life decisions and outcomes. While DNA isn't our absolute destiny, it is a starting point for who we become and what...
by: Scott Barron
Leadership, Laws of the Grapevine
When certain songs are played, the people in the room suddenly find their rhythm. Their face lights up, their body starts moving, and words immediately come to mind. It happens when songs like these come on: - Sweet Caroline - YMCA - The Devil Went...
by: Scott Barron
Leadership, Professional Development, Podcast
Love is a missing ingredient in too many of our schools, suffering from a lack of tenderness, generosity, and mercy. Optimal conditions for learning are not created through cold curricular conduct nor fiery rhetoric that burns bridges, undermines...