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SG 2018 Color

2018 Was a Remarkable Year for Growing Schools

SG 2018 Color2018 was a remarkable year for School Growth as we delivered growth services to schools across the U.S.

🔹 We've seen courageous school administrators re-kindle their joy for learning and leadership.

🔹 Organizational healing has taken place, as board and school leaders resolved past issues and committed to building stronger relationships.

🔹 Greater results have been achieved through more effective leadership disciplines and planning.

Reflecting on the last twelve months, our team has advanced as a learning organization, especially in our ability to build deeper relationships with educational leaders.

Below are a few of our milestones for 2018.

We learned how to tell our story more effectively

Since people are overwhelmed with excessive emails and information, honing the ability to tell an authentic and unique brand story can engage the target market with an emotional response that deepens love and loyalty. Creating a more compelling story gives you something to believe in, with commitment from the heart, because stories are far more memorable than facts and features.

A well-crafted story is not only more engaging, but it also has the power to differentiate the school. With a good story, faculty and families will move from being admirers to ambassadors who speak enthusiastically about the school, truly believing in the leadership and the vision. Storytelling is the most powerful growth strategy because of the energized word-of-mouth marketing that is generated. It's certainly made a big difference for us.

What we do is clear: We GROW Schools and the People who have the Courage to Lead them.

Why do we do this is compelling: Because every child deserves a remarkable teacher who is loved. We believe talented, energized, engaged educators change the world, and that the calling of every school leader is to build such a team of people and then love them like they are. 

We introduced a new Strategic Growth Plan service

Through our extensive experience in designing and growing schools, we developed the School Growth Design Framework to describe the complexities of the educational organization and the vital interdependencies. Effective strategic planning for a school must recognize these constructs and the points of tensions that either limit growth or produce a healthy organization.

Winning in today's education market requires a different approach--especially distinct from business planning--that leverages the unique organizational genius of each school to create a sustainable advantage. Data driven strategic planning is critical to uncovering and leveraging the strengths of each school and its leadership. Because each school has its own distinct context, copy and pasting from other schools is a weak and ineffective way to plan.

We deliver a powerful data-driven approach that optimizes relationships. That's why schools across nearly every genre of education (Independent, Christian, Catholic, Adventist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Boarding, Charter, etc.) contracted with us in 2018 to craft a context-specific strategic growth plan.

We launched a new & improved

The new and improved School Growth web site was launched in the spring of 2018. It reflects our story and call-to-action in a concise and compelling way. The result has been nothing but incredible.

Everyday we receive requests from school leaders around the world who are ready to Start Their Growth Plan.

Some are looking for better ways to grow enrollment and financial sustainability. Others are seeking better professional development curriculum for faculty, administrators, and even board leaders. Many want to move beyond unresolved past turmoil to find a path for better relationships and results.

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We Published the School Growth Video Library

One of the new features on is our professional development library of over 150 videos, providing easy access to training on a wide array of important topics:

  • Building Faculty Engagement
  • Servant Leadership for Educators
  • The 4 Stages of Board Development
  • How to Create a Communication Protocol
  • Optimizing Financial Aid
  • Top 10 Marketing Strategies to Grow
  • The Laws of the Grapevine: Communication Habits to Build Trust & Engagement
  • And the list goes on ...

In reflection on 2018, we recognize the many blessings of being part of this community of courageous educators who aren't satisfied with the status quo. Like you, we've learned so much this year and are committed to making 2019 even better for achieving your growth goals.

Thank you for letting us be part of this journey with you. 

Listen to the School Growth podcast

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