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Funding Strategy--BP Settlement for Schools in Gulf States

Posted by Grace Lee on Apr 9, 2013 6:30:00 AM

BP MoneySchools in Texas and Florida that border the Gulf of Mexico, along with schools anywhere in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana may be eligible to receive funds from the BP Deepwater Settlement.

This doesn't involve a lawsuit, nor is this government money with strings attached.

This settlement fund was established to rejuvenate the economy of the effected states, including non-profit organizations like schools and churches. 

Judge Rules Against BP on Settlement Fund

A few days ago a federal judge determined that the formula used to distribute these funds is valid.

The ruling wasn't a surprise given Judge Barbier's previous rejection of BP's arguments, said Tom Claps, an analyst and legal expert with Susquehanna Capital, who has closely followed the case. It will be very difficult for the oil giant to score a victory at the appeals court because the settlement was "extensively negotiated, drafted and approved by BP and its legal team," Mr. Claps said. (Tom Fowler in "The Wall Street Journal", April 5, 2013)

We are recommending that schools in the associated states explore this opportunity as a way to fund strategic initiatives, including board development and school re-design. If you want more information about this option, Click Here. School Growth has partnered with a claims processing company that respects the confidentiality of schools and understands the nuances of working with administrators and school boards. Our goal is to help school leaders use these funds to more aggressively pursue a great vision.

Not enough eligible businesses are filing for BP oil spill settlements

Literally billions of dollars are available to compensate organizations directly or indirectly effected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

You don’t have to be in the seafood business or even a business on the Coast to qualify. Businesses throughout the state that show a pattern of less revenue during the period when the BP oil spill was washing ashore could be eligible for settlements through a federal court claims settlement process. (Becky Gillette in Mississippi Business Journal, Nov 23, 2012)

As this story continues to unfold, I will share with you stories of schools that have qualified for these funds and how they are using this money to reinvent their programs.  

Does Your School Qualify for BP Funds?


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