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Top 10 Marketing Strategies: #2 Value Proposition

Posted by Scott Barron on Jan 13, 2017 7:10:48 AM

Why should parents want their children to attend your school? What is your compelling value proposition? 

That's the challenge EVERY school leadership has to solve: Deeply understanding the needs and wants of their target market of families and then creating a combination of services and experiences that progressively build engagement. 

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Topics: Marketing

Top 10 Marketing Strategies: #1 Target Market

Posted by Scott Barron on Dec 1, 2016 12:51:55 PM

The first strategy in improving the marketing results for your school is defining and understanding your target markets. (Yes, you have more than one) Market knowledge and research is essential for any school that wants to grow.

Click Here to view the webinar series on the Top 10 Marketing Strategies. Your three target markets in order of priority are:

1. Faculty (i.e., All employees of the school)
2. Families (Parents, students, grandparents, etc.)
3. Funders (Individual, corporate, government, foundation, etc.) 

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Topics: Marketing

What is it Like to Work With You

Posted by Scott Barron on Dec 10, 2015 1:24:16 PM
What is like to work with you and your school? Is contact information on your website readily accessible? Do you (individually and as an organization) respond in a timely, professional manner to emails and phone calls? What is the tone of interactions with you, and is this consistent with your desired brand? Do you seek to make life easier for your parents?

These perceptions contribute to the success of your school--whether you are expertly professional or awkwardly lazy in your standards and expectations. Excellence is the word most commonly used on school websites and in marketing materials, and your families are daily evaluating your commitment to excellence based on their interactions with you.

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Topics: Administration, Marketing, Leadership

Marketing Strategies Your School Needs ASAP

Posted by Scott Barron on Aug 23, 2015 10:05:06 PM

Trying to figure out how to spend your marketing dollars to maximize enrollment for 2016-17? If not you, you'll want to soon. Marketing is far less random and much more scientific than it once was. School growth is achieved by staying ahead of the marketing curve--here are seven easy marketing strategies your schools should implement ASAP!

1. Focus on Who You Are

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is trying to compete based on the strengths and/or strategies of other schools in your market. Focus on who you are and the value proposition that you offer. Discovering what your target market wants is important, but you can also go out of business listening to parents and students. Your mission and authentic brand is your greatest asset--seek to build stronger relationships with those families who believe what your believe.

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Topics: Communication, Marketing

More to Learn from The Masters than Just Golf

Posted by Scott Barron on Apr 13, 2015 9:49:41 AM

The Masters golf tournament ended with a young champion who maintained remarkable poise while breaking several records and the hearts of quite a few legends of the sport. Visiting Augusta National is inspiring because of the meticulous attention to detail throughout the beautiful venue, the energy of the crowds, and the talent on display.

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Topics: Marketing

Does Your School Marketing Have Target Arrogance

Posted by Scott Barron on Jan 19, 2015 1:52:46 AM

Target Stores is suffering from what some describe as market arrogance, and is now closing 133 stores in Canada. What can school leaders learn from this business debacle?

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Topics: School Design, Marketing

Expanding Your Network of Influence

Posted by Scott Barron on Aug 19, 2014 8:59:03 AM

Word-of-mouth marketing is the number one source of leads for enrollment and fundraising for every school. Expanding your network of influence is the most powerful way for you to accelerate and sustain growth. Below are a few ways to accomplish this goal.

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Topics: Communication, Marketing

Make the First Day of School a Home Run: Step 2

Posted by Scott Barron on May 29, 2014 11:45:32 AM

(Continued from Previous Post)
Four years ago we loaded up our vehicles to move my oldest daughter into a college dorm. After the three hour trip and the emotions of this major life transition, we weren't exactly ready for the energy required to unload her belongings. Much to our surprise and delight, immediately upon parking in front of her dorm our car was surrounded by smiling upperclassmen who were prepared to do the grunt work. Amazingly all of the boxes, pillows, decor, and other items were carted to her room in less than ten minutes! My daughter was excited to meet some of the students and we were relieved not to have to walk those stairs so many times. That was an awesome first experience that I obviously haven't forgotten.

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Topics: Administration, School Culture, Marketing

Is your School Target Market on Target?

Posted by Ggetchell on Apr 9, 2014 9:19:44 PM

Do you know your school's target market: the needs, opportunities for growth, and school design options?

A well-planned analysis of your target market enables better school design. Knowledge of the trends and economic forces provide a foundation for meeting student needs more effectively as well as improving the accuracy of your design of new programs.

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Topics: Marketing

Growing School Enrollment with Simplicity & Story

Posted by Scott Barron on Mar 4, 2014 1:43:28 PM

How would a visionary design a school if starting today? Clean slate. No limits from tradition or the past.

What attracts students to your school is shifting from curriculum and safety to connection and relevance. Schools have used viewbooks, brochures, websites, and social media pages to market their "Excellence in Education," but what people seem to be emphasizing in their search for a school is the experience.

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Topics: Communication, Administration, School Design, Blended Learning, Enrollment, School Growth, Marketing

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