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Mississippi Superintendent Fired Because He Didn't Apply the First Law of the Grapevine

Posted by Scott Barron on Dec 6, 2016 8:48:36 AM

Last Friday (Dec. 3, 2016) In Greenville, Mississippi, the superintendent was fired. The problems began with how he managed communication regarding a teacher who was accused of abusing a student. Because of a lack of trust and effective leadership habits, the poor relationship between the board and the superintendent has created a mess!

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Topics: Communication, Board Culture, Laws of the Grapevine

Shared Vision Creates Energy

Posted by Scott Barron on Sep 8, 2014 3:36:00 AM

Translating the plans you have for this year into a compelling story enables you to attract more people to commit their time and money to achieve it. Your goal is to respond more quickly to changes in the community by thinking more creatively about your school design. Better relationships and greater trust are key for your long-term success.

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Topics: School Design, School Culture, Laws of the Grapevine

Will Your School Communication Build Raving Fans This Year?

Posted by Grace Lee on Sep 23, 2013 7:10:00 AM


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Topics: Communication, Laws of the Grapevine

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