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Sustainable Energy for the School Board

Posted by Scott Barron on Jun 7, 2017 9:36:26 AM

It was late on a Friday afternoon in southern California. The sky was crystal clear with a light breeze. Under such ideal conditions, going inside a building for a school board retreat is difficult because your mind keeps urging to linger outside a little longer. 

The invitations were sent out to the board members two months ago, followed by reminders every few weeks. Delicious snacks were delivered and setup by the spouse of the chief administrator (including peanut M&M's--the best!). The room was thoughtfully arranged in an effort to foster productive conversation.

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Topics: Administration, Board Culture

3 School Leadership Tips from Barbara Daush

Posted by Scott Barron on Jan 14, 2016 6:22:21 PM

To be the best it makes sense to learn from the best. Barbara Daush has served as the President at St. Agnes Academy - St. Dominic School for the last 22 years. Very few have achieved the level of success and influence that she has established during this illustrious career.

To understand the full scope of her school leadership, consider that Barbara is:

* Currently serving as the Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS)
* Was named the 2014 CEO of the Year by MBQ Magazine
* Is a member of the inaugural class of the Memphis Business Journal's Super Women in Business in 2012
* Is a member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Association of Independent Schools (TAIS)
* Is past president of the Memphis Association of Independent Schools.

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Topics: Administration, Leadership

What is it Like to Work With You

Posted by Scott Barron on Dec 10, 2015 1:24:16 PM
What is like to work with you and your school? Is contact information on your website readily accessible? Do you (individually and as an organization) respond in a timely, professional manner to emails and phone calls? What is the tone of interactions with you, and is this consistent with your desired brand? Do you seek to make life easier for your parents?

These perceptions contribute to the success of your school--whether you are expertly professional or awkwardly lazy in your standards and expectations. Excellence is the word most commonly used on school websites and in marketing materials, and your families are daily evaluating your commitment to excellence based on their interactions with you.

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Topics: Administration, Marketing, Leadership

Professional Development that Changes Lives

Posted by Scott Barron on Dec 2, 2015 4:48:02 PM

What evidence would you look for in a school where the leader says:
"Our people are our greatest asset."

A few months ago we received a call from one of the best human resources directors in education because she was searching for a professional development program on managing difficult people and conversations. Her school had gone through some challenging situations that required courageous leadership to successfully navigate through the danger zones. She knew that with the right training and skills, the administrative team would be better prepared to make the best decisions to guide the organization forward.

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Topics: Administration, School Culture, School Growth

We are not the Only School with these Problems

Posted by Scott Barron on Nov 5, 2015 8:23:57 AM

Repeatedly we have heard the same message when discussing school strategies for enrollment, communication and innovation planning:

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Topics: Administration, Leadership

Campus Safety Training Advances

Posted by Scott Barron on Oct 15, 2015 10:02:13 AM

"The Safety Lab training helped put a sharp spotlight on the weaknesses in our current crisis plan." -- Heather B., School Principal

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Topics: Administration

Ten Questions Your Board Should Ask the Financial Audit

Posted by Scott Barron on Oct 15, 2015 8:37:08 AM

The audit is a misunderstood tool that provides vital information--if you know the right questions to ask. Are you getting the most benefit from your annual financial audit? What questions should a board member be asking?

Some accrediting agencies require an annual audit, and sometimes one is required for compliance with the school's loan covenants. Even if it isn't mandated, an annual audit is a best practice that is highly recommended to protect board members and the administrators from significant liability risks.

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Topics: Administration, Board Culture

5 Ways to Increase Loyalty and Enrollment

Posted by Scott Barron on Sep 20, 2015 10:52:39 PM

How important is loyalty among your faculty and families? Critical, right? Then it just makes sense to invest the time and resources to deepen and strengthen those relationships.

One of the best at building loyalty with clients was Harvey McKay, author of the book, How to Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive. He developed a precise system for collecting information that helped him truly know his clients at a deeper level, and he used this data to engage them in meaningful conversation, to acknowledge special events and milestones, and to express genuine care.

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Topics: Administration, School Growth, Leadership

Health Care Tax Credit Available to Qualifying Schools

Posted by Scott Barron on Jul 14, 2015 1:44:39 PM

Health Care Tax Credits Could Benefit Your School

By Justin Elanjian & Thomas Prevatt,
HA&W CPAs and Business Advisors

Your school may be eligible for tax credits that will be a blessing to tightening budgets. There isn't a downside or risk to applying for this credit. The biggest problem is that too few schools know about it and go through the process to claim it.

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Topics: Administration

Enrollment Blitz to Grow Over the Summer Months

Posted by Scott Barron on May 14, 2015 10:50:54 AM

For most schools, 25-30% of new enrollments are achieved May through August. As an enrollment director, you make a big impact! Our webinar series this month is entitled, "Enrollment Blitz," and is designed to help you grow over the summer months.

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Topics: Administration

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