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Four Ways Board Members Can Maximize Enrollment

Posted by Scott Barron on May 28, 2018 2:03:41 PM

As long as enrollment is the primary source of revenue for the school, the school board will be very interested in how to improve and grow it. When the board and the administration work as a cohesive team, growth is more likely to happen. So, how can board members appropriately contribute to the enrollment goals?

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Topics: Enrollment, Board Culture

Sustainable Energy for the School Board

Posted by Scott Barron on Jun 7, 2017 9:36:26 AM

It was late on a Friday afternoon in southern California. The sky was crystal clear with a light breeze. Under such ideal conditions, going inside a building for a school board retreat is difficult because your mind keeps urging to linger outside a little longer. 

The invitations were sent out to the board members two months ago, followed by reminders every few weeks. Delicious snacks were delivered and setup by the spouse of the chief administrator (including peanut M&M's--the best!). The room was thoughtfully arranged in an effort to foster productive conversation.

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Topics: Administration, Board Culture

March Madness is Driving Your School Crazy

Posted by Scott Barron on Mar 19, 2017 11:27:40 PM

March is a frenetic time of year for educators, and I'm not just talking about college basketball's version of March Madness™ with Cinderella upset stories and incessant variations of the tune, "One Shining Moment."  Picking the winners on your Tournament Challenge bracket isn't the real madness that is driving your school crazy. It's far worse than that!

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Topics: Engagement, Board Culture

Planning a Meaningful Board Retreat

Posted by Scott Barron on Feb 13, 2017 1:37:17 PM

Consider the following statement when thinking about your next board retreat:

"If my school board would _______ we would be 100% more effective.”

The purpose of asking the board to set apart time for a retreat is to reset. It’s a time where the board is setting aside time to rejuvenate and set clear objectives. You need to make sure you’re pursuing a board retreat plan that will allow you to set goals for the whole organization as well as to collect feedback on existing objectives.

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Topics: Engagement, Board Culture

Mississippi Superintendent Fired Because He Didn't Apply the First Law of the Grapevine

Posted by Scott Barron on Dec 6, 2016 8:48:36 AM

Last Friday (Dec. 3, 2016) In Greenville, Mississippi, the superintendent was fired. The problems began with how he managed communication regarding a teacher who was accused of abusing a student. Because of a lack of trust and effective leadership habits, the poor relationship between the board and the superintendent has created a mess!

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Topics: Communication, Board Culture, Laws of the Grapevine

Building Board Engagement with ADVIS

Posted by Scott Barron on Nov 14, 2016 11:08:55 AM

Last Thursday I led our “Building Board Engagement” workshop for administrators and board leaders from schools that are members of the Association of Delaware Valley Independent Schools (ADVIS). Barbara Kraus-Blackney, Jennifer Braxton, and the rest of the ADVIS team provided a wonderful professional development venue at The Haverford School

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Topics: Board Culture, Culture

What Shouldn't the Board Know

Posted by Scott Barron on Oct 6, 2016 10:05:59 AM

In light of the best practices of governance, what are the boundaries of the board's knowledge? Are there limitations to what should be shared with the board?

In order for the school(s) to advance as a learning organization, the board has the opportunity to set the pace. I previously shared ten key areas of knowledge that should be incorporated into the professional development and assessments for board members. As a follow up, the question must also be considered as to whether there should be intentional limits on the data/information to which the board should be granted access.

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Topics: Board Culture

What Should the Board Know

Posted by Scott Barron on Oct 1, 2016 11:06:26 AM

This week the School Growth team had the privilege of leading workshops at the ASBO annual conference in Phoenix, the GISA Enrollment conference in Atlanta, and the ACIS enrollment session in Denver. It's enlightening to see the different school designs and strategies being employed across this wide spectrum and to cross-pollinate some best practices along the way. 

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Topics: Board Culture

Listen Better to Grow Enrollment

Posted by Scott Barron on Jan 12, 2016 12:27:06 PM

Listening to families in your school--along with those that have left and some that chose other options--is the best way to understand how you can create greater value and grow enrollment.

You have different tools for listening: electronic surveys, interviews, observations, social media, etc. But how can you more accurately hear what current and prospective families are really saying, thinking, and feeling? The best way to improve your knowledge and understanding of families in your target market is to consciously make the effort to hear not only their words, but, more importantly, appreciate the complete message being sent. 

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Topics: Enrollment, Board Culture

Ten Questions Your Board Should Ask the Financial Audit

Posted by Scott Barron on Oct 15, 2015 8:37:08 AM

The audit is a misunderstood tool that provides vital information--if you know the right questions to ask. Are you getting the most benefit from your annual financial audit? What questions should a board member be asking?

Some accrediting agencies require an annual audit, and sometimes one is required for compliance with the school's loan covenants. Even if it isn't mandated, an annual audit is a best practice that is highly recommended to protect board members and the administrators from significant liability risks.

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Topics: Administration, Board Culture

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