Ready to Grow?

Overcome Your Biggest Obstacle to Growth in the Next 90 Days

Posted by Scott Barron on Jun 9, 2017 9:48:08 AM
Scott Barron

What is your biggest headache as a school leader?
What's keeping your school from growing?
What if you could start fixing that problem

Growth Starts Now with School Growth

You can--in just two days you can develop a plan to fix that biggest headache, freeing your school to grow.

The only sustainable path to long-term school growth is to become an organization that learns faster and more effectively. That's why we created the Innovation Workshop. 21st century school leadership requires creating a culture where faculty can experiment and develop that growth mindset. That means establishing a planning and execution process that enables your teams to innovate more effectively.

What exactly is Innovation? As I have been sharing in the Educational Entrepreneurship course that I'm teaching for The King's College, it doesn't mean changing the whole school! Innovation more often involves disciplined learning and progressive improvement, where you achieve breakthrough, tactical wins that produce incremental success, builds confidence in your leadership, and validates your long-term strategy. 

Schools are complex organizations with inter-dependencies across the Four Domains of School Design. Understanding how each component and decision is connected enables greater clarity, accountability, and growth. Innovation at your school might include:

  • * An original discovery/solution that solves an important problem for faculty or families
  • * Re-purposing an existing idea/technology to address a different need
  • * Devising a new school financial model that is more sustainable
  • * Delivering a product/service to a new market of students who are under-served
  • * Improving the process of execution, raising the level of perceived value
  • * Creating an economy of scale, thereby reducing expenses and improving service

Most schools talk about excellence, but that is a constantly moving target. Through a deeper knowledge about your faculty and families, you can adapt faster to new opportunities and competitive threats. You'll also be able to raise more money with stronger relationships with donors and board members because of your understanding of entrepreneurial language and practices. 

Schools that learn have a huge advantage because they consistently improve with greater efficiency, engagement, and focus. Through an accelerated feedback loop you will be able to sustain the core vision and strategies of the school even through leadership changes.

The next Innovation Workshop is being hosted in Atlanta on June 13-14, 2017. Begin 2017-18 with momentum by enrolling today! Future dates are also available. 

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