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Wenlai Chinese Students Visit U.S. Schools in GA and SC

Posted by Grace Lee on Jan 17, 2013 8:41:00 AM

School Growth is hosting a student delegation this week from Wenlai International School in Shanghai, China. The students will visit select schools in Georgia and South Carolina that are members of the School Growth International School Association. These students will be enrolling in a USWenlei Leaders at Coke resized 600 independent school in the fall of 2013 to complete their high school studies in preparation for application to an American university. 

Wenlei is also a member of our International School Association, where we:

  • Faciltate and manage the enrollment of foreign students

  • Foster meaningful sister school relationshps 

  • Coordinate short-term learning experiences for students, parents and faculty 

U.S. schools have the largest population of foreign students in the world with well over 1 million enrolled this year.  Too many of these schools use international students as a strategy to backfill empty seats, lacking a real commitment to providing important academic and emotional support, legal and health protections, and appropriate management and communication for all parties involved. School Growth works with select private schools to manage international marketing, admissions evaluation, foreign agent connections, host family selection and coordination, academic support services, and legal agreements.

describe the imageAdministrators from Wenlai are also participating in this learning journey, helping them understand how their program might be adjusted to do an even better job of preparing students for study abroad. They will visit classrooms and meet with American administrators to share experiences, ideas, and plans.

The Wenlai students toured the World of Coke and other sites in Atlanta on their first day, then traveled to Greenville, SC, to visit Shannon Forest Christian School the next day. This week they will also visit two schools north of Atlanta: North Cobb Christian School and Mount Paran Christian School. These select schools have committed to building diversity and international studies into their curriculum so that all students benefit from the program.

These school tours help the foreign students learn more about adjusting to American culture, the admission requirements and expectations of member schools, and how they can build a personal plan for long-term success. The Chinese students were able to get outside of their comfort zone by being paired with an American student for the day, giving them a fresh perspective on what it will be like to transition to a US school. While most of them have developed remarkable bilingual skills, they also gained a deeper appreciation for learning in a fast-paced English classroom. The American students likewise developed greater acceptance and interest in our guests from China.

Wenlai International School offers a wonderful academic program in Shanghai for students who want to finish their high school studies abroad. We visited their campus last fall, and were very impressed with the enthusiastic spirit of the students, their passion for learning, and their interest in global issues. Wenlai is part of the Qibau Education Group, one of the most respected school systems in China.

More information about the School Growth International School Association, send an email to or click here.

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